The Spa at Four Seasons Hotel London at Ten Trinity Square
Roman opulence in the heart of London
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Soon To Be Rated
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What strikes you first as you arrive at The Spa at Four Seasons Hotel London at Ten Trinity Square is the glow. The reception area is clad in shimmering gold, giving the impression that you’re walking into a treasure trove.
Step through into the wet spa area, and you’re dazzled again, this time by a wash of silver, whose effect is further heightened by the undulations on the surface of the 46-foot swimming pool.
The spa reception’s curving walls echo those of the atrium at the heart of the hotel upstairs, but this brand-new, purpose-built space otherwise gives no hint as to the historic nature of the building now home to
Four Seasons Hotel London at Ten Trinity Square. Instead, the décor evokes the city’s ancient Roman history.
It took seven years to create the hotel and spa within the grand 1920s shell of the Port of London Authority building, but it’s certainly been worth the wait. The spa is a boon for hotel guests, but it’s also likely to be highly prized by the busy workers of the local area, the U.K.’s financial center, since it’s open to non-residents for treatments, as well as for day spa visits.
Getting There
10 Trinity Square, London, EC3N 4AJ
The Spa at Four Seasons Hotel London at Ten Trinity Square
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