Four Seasons Hotel Kuwait at Burj Alshaya
Modern luxury in the heart of the city
We verify luxury. Our highly trained inspectors visit every property we rate, evaluating based on up to 900 objective criteria. Our hotel stays span a minimum of two nights.
We pay our own way. No one can buy a rating; all ratings are earned through our objective inspection process.
Our global team of inspectors are anonymous at all times, so they have the same experience as a typical guest.
While we inspect both service and facility, our Star Rating system emphasizes service because your experience goes beyond how your surroundings look — how your visit makes you feel is what you will remember most.
We started in 1958 as Mobil Travel Guide, and we created the original Five-Star rating system for hospitality.
These properties deliver an outstanding experience and consistently offer a highly customized level of service.
These are exceptional properties, offering high levels of service and quality of facility to match.
These are excellent properties with consistently good service and facilities.
Soon To Be Rated
As our highly trained, incognito inspectors work to assess properties, our editors check them out ahead of time and provide a sneak preview of what to expect.
From its glamorous “Stairway to Heaven” (an illuminated 43-foot spiral staircase) to its contemporary, one-of-a-kind art, Four Seasons Hotel Kuwait at Burj Alshaya emanates style.
It starts from the minute you arrive. Upon entering, your eyes are met with the dazzle of a giant hand-cut crystal chandelier suspended from the ceiling surrounded by cascading golden rings. It continues in the guest rooms with oak herringbone floors and bathrooms with streaked marble floors and gray-mosaic-tiled walls. Stroll around the grand hotel to admire the unique art collection, one of the most popular pieces being the hand-painted bronze Etymology of the Baroque by British artist Marc Quinn.
Then take a break and enjoy the chic atmosphere of Al Soor lounge, relax in air-conditioned cabanas by the infinity pool, ascend to a buzzing rooftop or wander the lush adjacent parkland.
Getting There
Al Soor Street, Al Mirqab, Kuwait City, PO Box 735 Safat 13008, Kuwait
NeighborhoodAl Shaheed Park
Four Seasons Hotel Kuwait at Burj Alshaya
At This Hotel