CHI, The Spa at Shangri-La Paris
A botanical paradise in the 16th Arrondissement
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These are excellent properties with consistently good service and facilities.
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Forbes Travel Guide Five-Star Shangri-La Paris opened in 2010 in the 16th Arrondissement, the
capital’s most glamorous neighborhood, taking over one of the city’s
spectacular 19th-century buildings. The luxury stay occupies the former palace
of Prince Roland Bonaparte, the great-nephew of Napoleon. There are still
remnants of this regal history throughout the property, including CHI, The Spa
at Shangri-La Paris.
The spa is tucked away peacefully at the rear of the posh property,
in an area that was once the palace stables. Prince Roland was a botanist and
president of the French Société de Géographie for 14 years, and filled his
decadent mansion with plants from around the world. CHI echoes this heritage
through its décor and herbaceous treatments, featuring all-natural products
created by The Organic Pharmacy in London.
Getting There
10, avenue d'Iéna, Paris, 75116 France
Neighborhood16th Arrondissement
CHI, The Spa at Shangri-La Paris
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